South Arkansas Childrens Coalition Children's Advocacy Center
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CASA Volunteer Resources

Resource Topics

The following links will take you to the National CASA website with information on the following topics:


National CASA Publications

  • A Question of Balance: Written by National CASA Regional Program Officer Janet Ward, this book reinforces skills learned by volunteers during pre-service training. Available through ShopCASA as a print or electronic book (for Kindles).
  • National CASA podcasts: Informative and educational interviews with CASA volunteers and staff, and other members of the child welfare community
  • National CASA Guides and Manuals: For use by member CASA and guardian ad litem programs. Program login necessary to access.


National CASA Book List

The National CASA Association offers a resource list comprising more than 100 books to help improve and inspire your service to children. Recommendations were compiled by National CASA's regional program officers and the National CASA Training Department.